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October 21, 2021

Welcome to Inflection Points

David Smith

The Story Behind Inflection Points

At TheVentureCity we love data. Our Growth Scanner analysis framework—in which we break down active usage, growth accounting, cohort retention, customer lifetime value, and engagement—has helped dozens of founders gain a fresh perspective on what drives the growth of their startups. In everything we do, from our First Ticket companies to investment due diligence to internal initiatives, data gets a seat at the table.

Data at TheVentureCity is so pervasive that it seeps into our fun time too. For the past several years, our data team has produced a weekly internal email called the Chart of the Week. It goes out every Friday afternoon as a light bit of weekend reading for our team members to consume at their leisure. Originally conceived as an educational series to promote data literacy and numeracy amongst the team while sharing insights from our startup portfolio, it has evolved to include clever 3rd-party charts we find on social media or elsewhere. These charts are most often startup-, tech-, and business-related, but have at times veered into the worlds of parenting, urban planning, Halloween costumes, television, inside jokes, and more.

The launch of Inflection Points marks an inflection point--a time of significant change--in the life of our Charts of the Week. No longer do the charts live and die in our inboxes. Instead, we are sharing them so the broader community can have as much fun with them as we do. Maybe along the way you’ll learn something about who we are and how we think. As we always say, “Feedback is a gift,” so we would love to hear your thoughts.

To begin, here is our first edition of Inflection Points

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