Life Science & Health
June 1, 2022

Founder Spotlight: Talli

About Talli 

Talli empowers families with the insights they need to make more confident, data-driven decisions. Talli simplifies the collection and sharing of daily care and health information. Their flexible platform includes a patent-pending one-touch device, an Alexa skill for hands-free logging, and a mobile app for on-the-go logging plus reporting and analytics. 

It all started on the floor of a nursery

As a parent, we’ve all been there… on the floor of a nursery, wondering how taking care of a beautiful, tiny baby can be so hard. Founder and CEO Lauren Longo had the idea to start her company late at night in her nursery after another evening of painstaking and exhausting note-taking of the number and length of feedings and the number of wet and dirty diapers. Lauren realized there must be an easier way and came up with the idea of a one-touch system to make parents' lives easier. 

“As an exhausted new mom working to provide the best possible care and outcomes for my child while also juggling work, household, and other responsibilities, it became clear to me that I could use my UX background to simplify the process of data collection for hands-on caregivers. And provide clear, actionable insights to help anyone responsible for care and wellbeing of a loved one or patient ensure the best possible outcomes. We started with babies because that's where the idea for Talli was born (pun intended), but we've worked to ensure the platform is flexible enough to expand to senior care, special needs, chronic conditions, even animal care through simple UI changes." - Lauren Longo


A caregiving platform to rule them all

Talli’s vision is to be the go-to operating system for the family, managing everything from infant care through senior care, along with the ins and outs of daily life in between. Starting with hardware that goes on the changing table and continuing through the multi-device app, Talli meets parents exactly where and how they want to log events. Last month, they launched a customizable feature that allows parents to retrofit devices and the app for any events not just early childcare. Users are loving it with 44% MoM growth and hardware selling out every three months.

Talli Baby One Touch Tracker

 What’s next for Talli: building a dream team 

Talli’s success so far is due to the focus of the team on building the most delightful product for customers. Lauren, Patrick, and the rest of the team do this by staying close to their customers, which means answering all feedback personally and establishing long-lasting relationships for the brand. One relationship that started with an IG DM came from their current UX/UI designer who loved the product and wanted to suggest some updates. One message led to another, which led to a zoom call. After Lauren actioned one user’s suggestions within a matter of days, the email conversation ended in a Zoom meeting. The customer, a seasoned UX/UI designer for NY Times and Instagram, became the UX Lead to support Lauren’s vision for Talli, joining the team on the spot. Talk about a win-win!